Feb. 2, 2010

Feb. 2, 2010

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Just a few reminders for Hort. Club.

The Linn Benton Open House is  Monday, Feb 8th from 5:30 to 8.  We have a table there and will be handing out brochures and making people aware of the hort. club.  Please meet at the green house at 5 to select some plants to display and there are vests available to wear so we can appear professional and united.smile  Pizza and pop is provided 5:30 to 6 by the school.  The open house is located on the 2nd floor in front of the Commons Cafeteria.

 Tuesday, 9th at 10 we are meeting in the greenhouse with Karissa to find a new home for the Native Garden.  It is not in a good location, needs to be moved, and since Karissa is leaving at the end of term, the hort. club will be moving and maintaining that garden.

Tuesday, February 9th at noon, we will have a guest speaker.  Harry McCormack from Oregon Tilth will be addressing us.  Pizza and pop will be provided.

There are a few opportunites coming up to be involved with the community, one of which is a planting outing at the Finley Refuge, southwest of Corvallis.  More info to follow.

Thanks again to Danny for taking notes and Stefan...as always..thank you for being our fearless leader.