hort. club Jan 26, 2010

hort. club Jan 26, 2010

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January 26, 2010

Club continues to have a good number of participants and I don't feel the need to keep listing names.  Let me know if that is a need anyone has.  Thank you Danny for keeping track of minutes.  It is helpful when it comes to typing this up. 

Thank you to Laura, who did a Mason Bee presentation for us.  The poster, along with the hand out, was very informative. Good luck to all who attempt a Mason Bee board.  If you build it....they will come!!

Feb. 2nd, Gabriella has a speaker lined up for us.  Please see post on this forum. She has created a poster to place around the school and we will be having pizza in honor of that guest speaker.

LBCC is having an open house on the 8th of February and we (the club) will be hosting a table.  We have vests and a table cloth.  Leticia is working on a brochure and Jeannie is working on a poster.  Peggy is going to pot up some plants.  Please attend, 5:30 to 8...hopefully not all at once.  We need coverage throughout the evening.  Maybe we can think about a sign up for times.

The bulbs that were donated by Garland nursery were planted.  YAAAAAY!!cool  If you walk down the sidewalk to the North of the greenhouse and across the pavement...along the new sidewalk...the bulbs are planted there to the right of the crosswalk.  We should see some daffy heads poking through soon!!

On Tuesday, February 9th, we will meet at the greenhouse at 10am. with Karissa.  We need to find a new home for a native garden that presently lives out by the soccer fields.  The native garden bed is not taken care of there, gets mowed down regularly, and since Karissa is leaving, the hort club will be taking that over.  There is considerable time, effort and labor involved in that bed already, so it would be a shame to loose it.  Please make an effort to attend that little meeting and let's save those native plants and find a new home for them.

That's about it...so re cap:

  1. Guest speaker during the regular meeting on Feb. 2nd
  2. Open house on Feb. 8th.  5:30pm to 8pm
  3. Meet with Karissa at the greenhouse on Feb 9th to scope out a new home for the native plant bed.

Thank you to Stefan for his continued support and input and thank you to Mary Jo for her insight and helpful hints.  Until next time. kissPeggy