

by Mary Garcia -
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Hey ya'll. It seems to me in my good 24 years on this Earth I have not met enough people who have watched the Naruto series. Some people dismiss it immediately because it's anime, some people refuse to try it because the series is so very (very very) long, and some may just not know how good it is and don't want to use up their valuable time to give it a shot.

However! This show is probably the most motivating thing I have in my life. I love my parents, I love my dogs, I love my friends. This being said, when I'm having a bad day, or just can't seem to get something right, the characters of this T.V show are the ones who come to my soul with these simple, maybe even overused, reminders. 

#1. Never give up, and never go back on your word

#2. Enjoy these days and take advantage of your power of youth

#3 Teamwork is one of your most valuable tools.

If you have yet to give this show a chance, I beg you to. I don't usually fan girl over many things; I have a full time job, live on a farm, and our household has 7 people total so I don't have time for much. I make time for Naruto though! I hope some of you may do so as well.