Which is better to drink in the morning ?
Coffee for sure
Without a doubt!
I agree, coffee is the way to go.
Coffee for sure, with creamer!
Tea for sure
I agree that tea is better. But, it is a matter of opinion of which everyone is entitled to his/her likes/dislikes.
I 100% agree!
I agree 💯!
yes coffee coffee coffee
Tea just doesn't do the job like coffee can.
coffee for me!!!!!!
Coffee in the morn... tea later in the day.
Agreed. Drinking my mid day cup of tea as I’m writing this.
I agree.
I agree completely!
My thoughts exactly.
I enjpy coffee at any time of day. Eaither hot or cold.
Tea definitely
Coffee is my preference.
December 16th, 1773. Boston Tea Party. Enough said
tea... coffee has too much of a bitter taste for me. Even with creamer, I'm a tea and smoothie person.
I agree also tea can be created using almost any natural organism and has a much wider flavor index.
I agree
Coffee when I get up, and Tea when I go to bed
Tea is the best for me in the morning. Especially green tea.
coffee in winter, tea in fall. I like both at different times.
I like to drink Coffee in the mornings.
definitely coffee
Coffee all the way.
Tea for sure.
I love drinking coffee in the morning, and tea in the evening.
Coffee in the AM, green tea the rest of the day
In the morning, realistically, water. But who actually does that? I drink coffee most of the time for the caffeine, but I prefer tea because there are so many different varieties. I love seasonal teas, specifically. And herbals.
Coffee, most definately. Anytime during the day
Definitely tea
Coffee for sure in the winter and fall when it is hard to get out of bed. It is a nice way to wake up.
Definitely a tea person, I highly recommend an iced raspberry black tea from Dutch Bros.
coffee for sure
I am a big coffee first thing in the morning person, Coffeys through the day and tea to end the night <3
Tea taste like dirt ong
Coffee is the better, hands down.
I drink coffee in the mornings and I am one of those people where if I didn't have my coffee yet then you don't want to talk to me. I try to be nice but it is hard without my caffeinated filter.
Coffee is better
Definitely coffee because tea doesn't give me that zing I want.
As a person that has worked in a coffee shop for three years, I will always have a soft spot for coffee.
I think coffee is better than tea.
Coffee in the morning. Tea in the evening. 
Coffee in the morning for sure.
I have to go with tea. I don't like the bitter taste of coffee but can always rely on tea to calm me down!
Coffee in the morning and tea in the evening!
Depends on my mood but usually coffee.
One cup of coffee a day keeps that rage at bay!
my preference was coffee but trying new things and moving to tea.
I personally prefer coffee over tea to drink in the morning but my little twist is I add ice to make it a cold drink.
tea is a great drink to waken your day
I prefer tea!
During the winter I drink coffee in the morning . During the summer I drink tea in the morning .
This is America and it is not 1772.
This is America and it is not 1772.
Well, in the morning I need my dirty bean water to wake up and get the gears greased and moving. However I LOVE rooibos tea. Rooibos tea is an African red tea and it is amazing with a bit of sugar.
I drink neither I get back migraines, but if I were too it would be Tea like.
Definitely coffee! Although I don't drink any caffeine anymore.
I usually have a blended chi tea in the morning, I don't drink coffee.
Tea for sure
Coffee, definitely.
I try to stay away from any caffeine or other stimulates. I like to keep my mind in its natural state, so I go for herbal teas!! In the morning I go for a quart of lemon water.
I feel as though something about tea is just so soothing and calming. I am going to have to go with tea on this one due to it really waking me up nicely to the new day.
iced coffee
Definitely tea
Oh, coffee without a doubt for sure! I am an absolute coffee fanatic with a fancy high-end espresso machine along with other various coffee brewing methods at home. I have to have my coffee every day to function in life.
Coffee is my go to got to have it! But I occasionally like a good cup of tea before bed.
Coffee is always the priority
I definitely enjoy coffee in the morning and tea in the evening.
Coffee for sure
Coffee hot, morning. Tea cold, straight or Arnold Palmer style.
Depends on how you're wanting your day to go. If you want to get going and get things done, coffee. If you want to have an easy going day and just take things one at a time, tea is a very relaxing AND can be caffeinated option.
herbal tea for sure
I tend to go back and fourth between coffee and tea. I will say this though, whatever I do choose it's always going to be served on ice.
Coffee 100%
Coffee is better for u than tea as long as it's black coffee.
Definitely coffee in the morning with cream and sugar. the Nestles CoffeeMate Sweetened Original is the best. In the big pump bottle! Tea is the afternoon drink of choice. Iced and sweetened. Mmm..
I like both, but coffee is usually to strong for me, I don't like adding sugar or creamer, so it's usually tea.
Super basic, but iced coffee.
Coffee would be best in the morning! Get you up and going!
100 percent coffee
I think coffee is the better of the two, especially in the morning.
Coffee 100%. Tea doesn't have enough caffeine or that amazing flavor.
Tea all the way
what about coffee?
I would agree with Coffee!!
Definitely couldn't survive without my coffee!!
Coffee is a must in the morning. In the evening when winding down from a busy or stressful day is when I have a cup of tea.
Depends on my mood, but I normally go for coffee
I would have to say tea because tea is calming and often has ingredients that are good for digestion.
coffee no doubt
Coffee! Especially with carmel...
Coffee in the morning, and tea late at night!
It depends. If i have to go to work; coffee. If I am curling up with a good book? Tea. Hands down. If I wanna feel fancy, a matcha latte. Everything has a time and place.
Chia tea for fall mornings
Tea in the morning, coffee in the afternoon.
I would have to go with coffee, and then tea later in the day
Tea was better until I had children. Now coffee is life.
Coffee for me.
coffee for sure.
I go for coffee
Iced coffee until I combust.
Coffee in the morning, tea during the day, and at night.
Tea 100%
Coffee for the win!
Coffee 100%
Definitely coffee in the morning and tea to wind down at night.
coffee is better to drink in the morning
coffee all the way
Tea! because some teas have greater health benefits.
Gotta go with coffee
I feel like cold coffee is the way to go.
tea is better for you, but coffee is still better in the morning
I've gotta have my tea.
Not much of a coffee fan unless it is from Dutch Bros. Normally, I get my Zero Sugar Sweet Tea from Grocery Outlet or Safeway.
I love both so much it is hard to decide!
Nothing better than fresh brewed coffee for me.
coffee definitely
Milk is better
Coffee for sure!
Without a doubt coffee.
Coffee is always the better choice, but I still prefer stronger in the morning
Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
I prefer coffee. I hate the taste of most tea.
Coffee all the way!
coffee! ☕️
Tea is probably better for your overall health, but id have to go with coffee!
Is neither an option?
Coffee for sure!
I have never drank coffee. I prefer tea. 
Depends on my mood but I like both 
Coffee is definitely a go-to in the morning
Coffee 100%
Tea! Makes me feel productive and fancy.
Definitely coffee! Then green tea in the afternoon.
Coffee because it gets me more awake.
neither water for me
Tea all the way!
Personally, tea!
I'm not a fan of coffee or tea. I enjoy kombucha every morning.
Coffee is good for the soul AND the bowels, so that's my vote!
I enjoy tea in the morning!
Coffee or Chai Tea.
Coffee for sure
I mean coffee first always. But I do have an obsession with my iced Matcha latte shortly after.
Coffee absolutely.
Coffee any day of the week.
Definitely coffee!
I prefer iced coffee in the morning.