Link Aleks to Moodle Emeline Cuisset - 2020年04月10日 星期五 16:56 回帖数:1 HI,this is my first time using Aleks, and 2nd using Moodle. I just started MTH75 is requires to "link" Aleks to Moodle, so that Aleks can be accessed through Moodle. How do I do that ?thanks ! 永久链接 回复 回复Emeline Cuisset Re: Link Aleks to Moodle Dani Tellvik - 2020年04月13日 星期一 08:27 Hi Emeline, I found a pdf with instructions for how to link your moodle account to you ALEKS account: I would also recommend checking out the Learning Center's page, particularly the Math Cafe: The staff at the Math Cafe have a lot of knowledge about ALEKS and should be able to help you with more specific questions. Good luck! Dani Tellvik Instructional Assistant College Skills Zone 永久链接 显示父帖 回复
回复Emeline Cuisset Re: Link Aleks to Moodle Dani Tellvik - 2020年04月13日 星期一 08:27 Hi Emeline, I found a pdf with instructions for how to link your moodle account to you ALEKS account: I would also recommend checking out the Learning Center's page, particularly the Math Cafe: The staff at the Math Cafe have a lot of knowledge about ALEKS and should be able to help you with more specific questions. Good luck! Dani Tellvik Instructional Assistant College Skills Zone 永久链接 显示父帖 回复