Many faculty use digital content from the library in their courses. For the most part, this content is not OER (so you can't remix, revise, etc.), but it is free to LBCC students and employees since the library has a collective license for the whole campus. You can create an OER course shell and link out to specific chapters, films, books, and articles available through the library. Some of the library's stand-out resources include:

  • Ebook Central. A feature-rich platform with over 80,000 ebooks immediately available, and you can check with a librarian about many more that are available for purchase. 
  • Films on Demand. Over 35,000 streaming video documentaries, news features, and educational videos.
  • Learning Express Library has a variety of books, tutorials, and quizzes focused on academic and career success. Students can prep for many major occupational and academic tests.

And of course you can find articles in the library's databases, FindIt search box, or Google Scholar. More and more articles are openly licensed as the open access movement gains traction. It's important to provide a persistent link (a "permalink") to students, and this varies depending on the library platform. Ask a librarian if you want to use a resource and aren't sure which link to use. Librarians can also visit your class to show students how to access and use library resources.

Sửa lần cuối: Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6 2019, 3:43 PM