favorite tv show

favorite tv show

Bởi Daniel Hamman -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 0

My favorite tv show is All American. which is basically a show that is based off of a true life story and the focus is a kid named Spencer James. They document his life through high school as a jnr and snr playing his but off in American football in order to obtain a D one scholarship is a top school. His story takes a few turns such as him getting shot and losing his father all in his junior year. He fights back to make it back to the top and pass all the tests his physical therapy doctor has lined up for his in order for him to get back on the field. As always Spencer James is a beast on the field and doesn't let anything get in his way. He climbs to the top once again and receives the D one scholarship he's been fighting for his whole high school career.