"Submission comments" don't appear on Grades page

"Submission comments" don't appear on Grades page

Bởi Lindsey Jones -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 0


I am wondering if it is standard for an instructor's "submission comments" for an assignment turned in incorrectly to not appear on the initial Grades page view? We had a new instructor who let me know there was a submission error via the comment section so I did not see in a timely manner to quickly rectify the problem. On the primary grades page, it appeared as if the assignment had not yet been graded. It was only a week later that I found out that" submission comments" aren't viewable until you click in a couple layers deeper. Only "feedback comments" appear on the initial grades page. I asked if any of my cohorts had ever heard of this (I'm in my second year at LB going full time) and they had not. Our other instructors had always e-mailed us if there was a submission error so we didn't know this was a feature of Moodle. Is this layered viewing feature optional (something the instructor customizes?) or is this feature something that LB's Moodle IT folks can permanently tweak so that all comments from instructors are viewable on the initial Grades page? I nearly failed a class due to not knowing about these hidden "submission comments".

Also, the font for the comment is so small once you finally get to the right spot to click to view the "submission comments" you can barely read it. This could be an accessibility issue for those with low vision or ADHD.

Additionally, I noticed in this forum for submitting questions about Moodle issues, the questions are not posted in chronological order. Any chance that could be fixed as well for ease in locating the most recent topics? 

Thanks for looking into these concerns, I appreciate it!

Lindsey Jones