TV Show Recommendation

TV Show Recommendation

Al Jacobs
Number of replies: 1

For anyone with a vague interest in science or for true crime, I always recommend watching (or listening, there is a podcast version) to the Forensic Files. It just goes to show you how the littlest detail can be what saves a case and stops a criminal.

Though my guilty pleasure is House Hunters because seeing people argue over cabinets will never stop being funny to me.

In reply to Al Jacobs

Re: TV Show Recommendation

Hayden Fong
I have never indulged in either show and I will now be curious until checking them out for myself! Conspiracies and crime have always peaked a bit of interest for me so I definitely see why you enjoy Forensic Files! The fact that they have a podcast is great news to know!

Watching people fight over cabinets sound very enticing.