Sweet or savory? 수요일, 8 9월 2021, 3:19 PM 에 Macy Hullman 씀 Number of replies: 1 Do you have a sweet tooth? Or a savory craving? Permalink 답글 In reply to Macy Hullman Re: Sweet or savory? 수요일, 8 9월 2021, 3:45 PM 에 Makayla Mote 씀 It honestly depends on the day. One day i will crave sweets other days i'm wanting a savory treat. Permalink 앞글 보기 답글
In reply to Macy Hullman Re: Sweet or savory? 수요일, 8 9월 2021, 3:45 PM 에 Makayla Mote 씀 It honestly depends on the day. One day i will crave sweets other days i'm wanting a savory treat. Permalink 앞글 보기 답글