Healing secrets of the Native Americans

Healing secrets of the Native Americans

Bởi Jenny McGhan -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 0

I chose this book for many reasons, one I am a Native American but I was not taught our ways because my mother did not have it told to her. In regards to that I have picked up many books to read on about the Native ways. I do find it rather interesting about how that Native people used/uses natural herbs to heal many different disease's. Even in today's society where there are many medications that do more harm than good, so I took it upon my self to learn some of the ways to benefit my health and also my family's health. When you eat the right mixture of foods and herbs together you can live a long and healthy life. I do not feel that there is anything wrong in getting your self on a better path of eating right and using herbs to keep away diseases.