US - democracy

US - democracy

Bởi Nick Widmer -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 2

Does anyone have thoughts on the recent arrests of reporters who are acting lawfully with press credentials ? Is it illegal under freedom of the press?

Để phản hồi tới Nick Widmer

Re: US - democracy

Bởi Lillee Rodriguez -
In the same way that there are protections for freedom of speech and religion, the same amendment protects freedom of the press. So, yes, I believe that arrests of journalists, acting lawfully, is illegal and should be viewed as a way to suppress the press. If we think it would be illegal to be arrested for free speech or practicing one's religion, then we should agree that arresting law-abiding journalists for doing the job that we as a democracy rely upon them to do is equally unconscionable and illegal.
Great question! Good luck this term!