

Joshua Fox
Number of replies: 3

how much chicken should I eat?

In reply to Joshua Fox

Re: chicken

Casey Tilgner
Well, a 100lb shark needs to eat about 3% of its body weight per day, so that would mean roughly 3lb of chicken. However, I am assuming you are not a 100lb shark. Now, the average human adult weighs about 170lb-- meaning that they should eat about 5lb of chicken daily in order to maintain that healthy shark figure. Still, this is operating under the assumption that you are, in fact, human, so adjustments should be made according to your exact species and body weight. Either way, I would recommend the eating habits of a shark, they are the superior animal who's feeding behavior should be emulated. If you are a chicken yourself, I cannot, however, recommend pursuing the cannibal lifestyle, as it generally more legal trouble than it is worth.