not being afraid to ask questions

not being afraid to ask questions

- Blake Barbee の投稿
返信数: 2

I'm not sure who I contact if I did have questions, and what if they are stupid questions?

Blake Barbee への返信

Re: not being afraid to ask questions

- Stacy Anderson の投稿
there are no stupid questions. you don't know what you don't know. besides someone probably has the same questions. contact the student help desk for technical q's and the learning center for academic q's.
hang in there and ask.
Blake Barbee への返信

Re: not being afraid to ask questions

- Eric Slyter の投稿
Knowing where to go will depend on what you are looking for. Are you talking about asking questions in class? Or are you looking for other types of help? You can ask questions here. You can also go to the main LBCC website and in the bottom right corner there is a chat box which is a great resource when you just don't know where to go.

But in general.... Keep asking questions. That is how we learn! In my experience, stupid questions are often responded with thoughtful and sometimes incredible answers. You are not alone.

-Eric S.