News from ASG PR Secretary

Re: News from ASG PR Secretary

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Gabriella, I read your e-mail re: the Community Garden. I was thinking about the operating procedures for the gardeners, earlier, and I think that would be necessary. I've never been involved with this before, but I would think that it would have to be managed someway. I'm looking forward to seeing the pdf that you mentioned. If the other Hort Club members are interested in using the coffee grounds or other compostible materials, we could possibly take turns taking it out to the compost pile. Yesterday, I was looking at garden tools that are available for purchase in BiMart and thought about what tools would should be made available to gardeners. If we have a separate tool shed for storing them, how will they be controlled and not be allowed to disappear? I'm certainly open to any suggestions about this as well. Thanks, Wes J.