Youth Garden Project

Youth Garden Project

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عدد الردود: 0

Hello club members,

A graduate student from OSU has agreed to come to LBCC on Friday from 12:00-1:00 to talk about the Youth Garden Project, Producing for the Future: A Collaboration Between Low-Income Youth, Congregations, and Researchers.

This project aims to recruit low-income youth age 18-22 to partner with adult volunteers from churches to participate in a research project and develop an organic garden in Sweet Home. You will learn how to grow organic vegetables, create a business selling those veggies and earn some money!

I think it would be a great idea to encourage students outside of our club and program to attend this presentation.  Is it possible for somebody to post this annoucement on the boards? I will send an e-mail to the sustainablity club and ask Miriam to send an e-mail to the culinary club.