Hort. Club

Hort. Club

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Just a few things...

A planting opportunity on Saturday May 15th   We will be planting fruit trees in the area around the organic garden.  We should meet at the garden area at 9 am.    Questions...talk to Jonas Hoffman or Miriam Edell for more info.

Please keep in mind and watch for more details from Lacey Jarrell regarding the "nylon stocking " fund raiser.  She will be needing help dropping off and picking up donations and packaging and shipping.  As she gets things rolling,  we (the hort club...) are sponsoring her and her efforts.  Spread the word and lets see if we can be productive.

Be thinking about flowers you would like to see in the cut flower garden.  We will be moving forward with that project in the next few weeks. 

And one last thing...be thinking about topics for discussion for the upcoming year in the horticulture/extension effort. 

thanks all.
