Week 3 Overview

3. A note on citation

Our class instruction will focus mostly on MLA Citation Style. However, you may find other types of citation more useful, or you may have experience in other styles. That's fine! You are free to use APA, Chicago, or Turabian if you've been taught those styles or worked in them before. 

The assignment this week for review of citation focuses on MLA, but it has the other citation styles available. Please choose the video that's appropriate for you.

If you'll be citing your sources in APA (or Chicago), you may do that in the Collaborative Works Cited Wiki, but please mark your entries so that no one else tries to correct them. For example:

[APA] Pariser, E. (2011). Beware of filter bubbles. (etc. etc).

If you're not sure what citation style to use, MLA is the probably the easiest and most obvious. However, it may make more sense for you to explore another style, depending on your field of study. Here's a flowchart that explains a bit more:

a flowchart suggesting when/how to use citation styles