OSHA Training
Tổng quan các tuần lễ
- Understand the hazards of materials in your work area;
- Interpret the hazard information on chemical container warning labels;
- Access and understand the information on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheets (SDS) as known under the new Globally Harmonized Standards (GHS) recently adopted by OSHA and mandated by the United Nations.
- Know how to protect yourself against chemical hazards, such as by wearing personal protective equipment; and
- Be prepared to respond to emergencies involving hazardous materials.
- Explain how your employer conducts a PPE hazard assessment, including how they evaluate the workplace and job functions for any potential hazards that can be controlled by using PPE
- Explain why different types of PPE are selected and how they protect you against the hazards found during the hazards assessment
- Describe how to properly wear and care for PPE
Identify bloodborne pathogens, or BBPs, that might be present in the workplace
Understand how certain diseases are transmitted through blood
Determine your risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace
Protect yourself from exposure through prevention and by following certain procedures if you are exposed
Respond appropriately if you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens
Understand your right to medical evaluations.
- Understand the hazards of electricity;
- Identify and avoid common electrical hazards; and
- Follow safe work practices around electrical equipment.
Upload your OSHA training certificates.
Enroll yourself in LBCC's Sexual Harassment Training. Enrollment key: employee
- Describe the two main forms of sexual harassment with practical video examples
- Review steps to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
- Recognize how the use of social media both at and outside of work can be harassment and how a personal social networking site can be the site of harassment
- Recognize improper text communication
- Understand that action in the workplace involving personal electronic equipment are covered by workplace rules
- Review your rights with respect to personal electronic equipment and social networking accounts
Upload your certificates of completion to this page.